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Welcome to the U


Martha Bradley-Evans

Martha Bradley-Evans
Senior Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of Undergraduate Studies

What options do I have to fulfill my requirements?

The possibilities are endless.  The University offers you a wide range of General Education courses that are taught through the academic colleges, through the LEAP Program, BlockU Program or Honors College. We hope these courses will encourage you to explore and discover, and to engage you at the University.  The choices you make as you navigate through General Education and Bachelor degree requirements should match your career objectives, the central questions that inspire or motivate you, and the big ideas that compel you.  Be sure and meet with an advisor.  They will help you make good choices and to develop a plan that will help you succeed, help you choose a major or point you toward special programs that will enhance your education as an undergraduate.

Marissa Diener, PhD

Marissa Diener, PhD.

Director of the LEAP Program and Early College Programs





Last Updated: 7/7/22